journalist and publisher, SPORT & POLITICS

Jens Weinreich



PtG Comment

Coe and Bach: united in history, divided by history

Jens Weinreich
PtG Article

World sports federations may give up their own independent platform

Jens Weinreich
PtG Article

Olympic federations suspend Russian athletes not officials

Jens Weinreich
PtG Comment

The coalition of Olympic perpetrators

Jens Weinreich
PtG Comment

Child athletes are too valuable for the IOC to set age limit

Jens Weinreich
PtG Comment

One coup too many: Olympic powerbroker sentenced to prison

Jens Weinreich
PtG Comment

The playbook that keeps Thomas Bach in power at the IOC

Jens Weinreich
PtG Analysis

A leaked list discloses how much cash the IOC paid for the 2016 Olympics in Rio

Jens Weinreich
PtG Article

How federations share the revenues from the Olympic Games

Jens Weinreich
PtG Analysis

IOC President holds on to power while federations face

Jens Weinreich
PtG Analysis

Growing pressure as the IOC and Japan play for time

Jens Weinreich
PtG Comment

Jean-Marie Weber, the biggest bag man in Olympic history

Jens Weinreich
PtG Comment

Claim and reality: IOC as the bearer of world peace

Jens Weinreich
PtG Comment

IOC president election: It is going to be thrilling — one more day to go

Jens Weinreich
PtG Comment

OG in the future: Olympic Games or Oil & Gas?

Jens Weinreich
PtG Article

The withering whispers of the IOC

Jens Weinreich
PtG Article

The new power holders in world sport

Jens Weinreich
Idan Article

Idrættens nye magthavere

Jens Weinreich
PtG Article

Swiss MP calls for anti-corruption legislation

Jens Weinreich
PtG Article

New revelations: FIFA Executives named as ISL bribe-takers

Jens Weinreich
PtG Article

Former IOC vice-president will not take part in YOG

Jens Weinreich
PtG Article

The sportswear company World Cup

Jens Weinreich
PtG Article

Johansson's World Cup

Jens Weinreich
PtG Article

Prosecutor's office links FIFA officials to bribery scandal

Jens Weinreich
PtG Article

Ticket dealers: Up to 50 % of World Cup tickets sold under market value

Jens Weinreich
PtG Article

New book alleges Samaranch KGB link

Jens Weinreich
PtG Article

Senior sport officials give their view on the need for a World Anti-Corruption Agency, Part 4

Jens Weinreich
PtG Article

Sports federations should work more closely together to combat corruption

Jens Weinreich
PtG Article

Senior sport officials give their view on the need for a World Anti-Corruption Agency, Part 3

Jens Weinreich
PtG Article

Senior sport officials give their view on the need for a World Anti-Corruption Agency, Part 2

Jens Weinreich
PtG Article

Senior sport officials give their view on the need for a World Anti-Corruption Agency

Jens Weinreich
PtG Article

The secret Olympic Congress in Copenhagen

Lars Jørgensen, Jens Weinreich
PtG Article

The IOC, the 2016 bidding race and the question of a secrect, democratic election

Jens Weinreich
PtG Article

In the wake of the ISL collapse

Jens Weinreich
PtG Article

The big bubble - the crackdown of ISL/ISMM, a marketing giant

Jens Weinreich
PtG Article

Politics and Corruption in FIFA

Jens Weinreich, Thomas Kistner